1st Intermediate Visualizations
We now start to use some visualization tools to implement what we have done before during sketches design, as well as some more diverse visualizaions that we did not come up with previously.
This graph represents the police violence records by means of the color, a deeper blue indicates more cases of police violence in the state. On the other hand, a larger circle implies a higher personal income in the state, which will determine the expenditure for the state government. Hence, we can deduce from the graph that California, Texas, Florida, and New York have relatively high personal income, and the police violence is particularly severe in California, Texas and Florida.
To further analyze the four mentioned states, we made a radar plot using Vega below based on their public expenditure (in percentage, divided by the overall spending) in terms of seven categories, the green, blue, orange and red lines represent Texas, Florida, California and New York, respectively. Since New York state is under a relatively better circumstance among the four states, we can find out as well that basic education and public welfare play significant roles in avoiding cases of police violence.
This graph shows the ratio of each race of the total number of case by states. In the pie chart, each color stand for one race. It could also reflect the change of such ratio from 2013 to 2020. The graph above show the ratio of 2020. We can see the California has the largest number of case in 2020 and most of the victim is Hispanic.